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吳茂記餅家Ng Mow Kee自設廠房専營代工生產OEM多款100%香港製造的中秋月餅、端午粽、賀年糕、養生湯包、養顏飲品及中式糕餅。
Ng Mow Kee Pastries offers professional OEM services that encompass a plethora of festive foods, nutritious soups and drinks, and traditional Chinese pastries, where our customers are most welcome to customise their products to meet their needs. We insist on applying rigorous quality control and inspection protocols based on ISO22000 guidelines throughout our entire production process in an effort to ensure that all of our products meet the highest production standards.

Smooth product delivery
Top-notch ingredients
Effective customer communication
Rigorous production protocols
Stringent quality inspection

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